dilluns, 9 de gener del 2012

Més autonomia escolar = millors resultats educatius

Sóc un gran defensor de l’autonomia de centres. Catalunya ha fet passos importants però crec que cal anar molt més enllà.

I un interessant estudi al respecte que compara diferents països: “Allowing local schools to make more decisions may work in developed countries but is questionable in developing countries” d’Eric Hanushek, Susanne Link i Ludger Woessmann.

El dubte sobre els avantatges i inconvenients de donar llibertat a les escoles és raonable:
Local decision-makers have better knowledge than central bureaucrats, and this knowledge allows them to provide better educational outcomes. But the tradeoff is that local decision-makers – outside the watchful eye of central authorities – may be tempted to make decisions that implicitly favour themselves and that do not lead to better school outcomes.
Per tant, quan funciona l’autonomia escolar?
Local autonomy has an important impact on student achievement, but this impact varies systematically across countries, depending on the level of economic and educational development (Figure 1). In the simplest terms, countries with otherwise strong institutions gain considerably from decentralised decision-making in their schools, while countries that lack such a strong existing structure may actually be hurt by decentralising decision-making.
És a dir: en països en vies en desenvolupament, enfortir les institucions abans de descentralitzar. I en països desenvolupats... donar més autonomia als centres! (i si cal, seguir enfortint les institucions).

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