dimarts, 1 de març del 2011

Educació i salut

L'educació és important per progessar a la vida, però també per tenir bona salut: interessant article al Washington Post ("Many Americans have poor health literacy") que explica que el 36% dels americans tenen dificultats per entendre per entendre les indicacions mèdiques que llegeixen, el que ocasiona massa sovint greus problemes:

Regardless of their literacy skills, patients are expected to manage multiple chronic diseases, to comply with drug regimens that have grown increasingly complicated and to operate sophisticated medical devices such as at-home chemotherapy equipment largely on their own.


Studies have linked poor health literacy, which disproportionately affects the elderly, the poor and recent immigrants, to higher rates of hospital readmission, expensive and unnecessary complications, and even death. A 2007 study estimated the problem cost the U.S. economy as much as $238 billion annually.

Un motiu més per millorar una competència bàsica com la lectura. I també necessitat de buscar alternatives per aquells pacients que no poden llegir bé, com vídeos o instruccions amb dibuixos (com explica el mateix article).

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