Aquest estudi mostra com el cercle d'amics que tenen els nostres fills, sobretot quan tenen entre 15 i 18 anys, serà molt determinant en els seus resultats acadèmics i més enllà:
We analyse the impact of the friends' educational attainment on an individual's educational attainment where they are identified as friends during school and in to adulthood. We find that peer effects in education are not only strong but also persistent over time. We find that the most relevant peers are the friends people make in grade 10-12, from when they are around 15 years old. This suggests that individuals are more likely to work towards and apply to college if this choice is popular among their peers, especially in the last years at school. This could represent the effect of contagion and collective socialisation and mean that any education policy targeting specific individuals will have multiplier effects.
Doble objectiu com a pare: els amics dels nostres fills, i que el nostre fill sigui alhora un d'aquests nois que generin influència positiva.
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